Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Notes 5.21.2014

Bracketing- Making a series of exposures that differ slightly, so that you can make sure you get the perfect exposure

For assignment:

Black on Black (low key)
White on white (high key)

Zone system: by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer. Zone 5 is 18% grey (middle grey), half black, half white. Zone 10 is pure white. Zone 0 is pure black
Zone 0-5 is low key
Zone 5-10 is high key

-Shoot at exactly middle grey
-Shoot over-exposed (white) +1/3 +2/3 +3/3 all the way to pure white
-Only adjust with shutter speed
-Go back to middle grey and then adjust shutter speed -1/3 -2/3 -3/3 all the way to pure black

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