Wednesday, June 25, 2014

FINAL- Food Truck Life

Food Trucks in Provo have sprouted like crazy the passed year. There are about 40 food trucks in Provo. There are many different food truck roundups during the week. Most people know where the trucks are serving food by following their Instagrams. It is pretty tricky to get a food truck started. The truck itself is expensive and then you have to get certain things built in the truck to make the food and to pass the inspection with the city. You also have to get a lot of permits. There are really classy food trucks these days!

  The Mouse Trap truck serves gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. They are DELICIOUS. They also have dessert sandwiches like bananas and chocolate which is called #BFF. Some of the savory sandwiches have names like The Nicholas Cage. These are the owners that started the truck, Dan and Skylar

 The Grill Sergeant was in the Army and started this food truck with his wife and two daughters. He said "Making a burger is like making art." He is very dedicated to this truck and really good at it. His burgers and fries are delish.

This truck doesn't have a name but he sells the typical street tacos. He runs the food truck with his family of 5. He always wears this cute hat. 

Charlie Boy's sells pulled pork sandwiches and other pork recipes. This little pig that he is leaning on is his smoker. He runs this truck with his granddaughter whom he loves so much. Charlie is a really jolly, cute old man. 
This truck is called Pound It Kebabs and they sell yummy authentic kebabs. The owner is going to BYU and is from France. Him and his wife started it up and now his sister works in the truck. His wife is pregnant and he is busy with school so they are selling the truck in a couple months. 

The Corndog Commander is my favorite truck. One, because of the huge corndog on the top of the truck and two, because they dip their dogs in a corn bread batter and they are SO GOOD. The two men that started it are brothers and way funny.

Pico Norte sells street tacos and they are yummier than a typical street taco. They get there meats and spices from Monterrey, Mexico. A couple of young guys started the food truck and they got inspired by the food in Mexico where they went on their mission. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Assignment #5


My great-great grandparents to the left. My great grandparents to the right.

My grandparents home they have had for 50 years. Located in Fountain Valley, CA.

Smoke Stack at the old Startup candy factory in Provo.

Provo Power Plant

Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Ratio 2.5:1
Should be using it, when you have something unique to say
Find something that demands a panorama
Horizontal pano- shoot the frames vertically
Overlap 20-30% per frame
Make a frame, move it over slightly and do another frame
Make an extra frame at the first and at the end

Step 1: Shoot in Raw, shoot in color, shoot wide, make extra frames
Step 2: Lightroom

5000-5500kelvin is temp of daylight

CommandC = Copy
Command A = Choose all photos
Synchronize settings = makes all photos edited the same
Export them to desktop
CHANGE: Long edge to be 1000 pixels
Post processing = open in photoshop
File-Automate-Photomerge-Add open files
Layer-merge visible
Flatten image
width 2000 pixels
FILE-save for web and devices
quality 80
Internet standard RGB

Monday, June 9, 2014

Assignment #4

Black & White Portraits

This is Aaron Boon. He is my neighbor. He has a landscape business and has an awesome beard.
 This is me as my grandma. She is kinda a bad A.
 This is my best friend Claire. We grew up together since we were little girls.